Mar 18th, 7.00 – 9.30pm •
Soul Retrieval •
The Mandrake Hotel
Soul retrieval brings back together the fragments of our energy which may have been scattered or lost through traumatic experiences, grief or relationships with humans or non-physical beings which may not have been resolved.

Mar 22nd, 9am – 4pm •
Filston Farm •
Spring Equinox
The sweat lodge is a purification ceremony; it relieves stress, cleanses toxins from the body, helps process emotions, releases negativity and revitalizes the life force.

Mar 23rd, 12.30 – 3.30pm •
Healing with the Five Elements •
In the shamanic world view of the highland Maya of Chiapas, Mexico, the five elements of earth, water, fire, wind and space are understood to be the sacred, fundamental energies of existence.

April 6th – 13th •
Spring Retreat, Rancho Cerro Largo •
This Maya Medicine retreat offers a week of daily beachside sweat lodges and yoga for a deep spring cleanse. Morning hatha yoga classes with Mario Corella will be held before a Mayan cleansing ceremony.

April 19th, 2.00 – 5.00pm •
Breathwork + Meditation •
Decompress and de-stress with an afternoon of breathwork, movement and meditation followed by a deep relaxation, to help unwind, release and recentre.

April 22nd, 7.00 – 9.30pm •
Ancestral Healing •
The Mandrake Hotel
Ancestral healing involves resolving emotional and energetic patterns inherited from prior generations in our family which can create obstacles in our lives, blocking our path to openness, joy and creativity.

April 26th, 9am – 4pm •
Filston Farm
The sweat lodge is a purification ceremony; it relieves stress, cleanses toxins from the body, helps process emotions, releases negativity and revitalizes the life force.

May 3rd, 4.00 – 6.30pm •
Breathwork + Meditation •
triyoga Shoreditch
Decompress and de-stress with two hours of breathwork, movement and meditation followed by a deep relaxation, to help unwind, release and recentre.

May 17th, 9am – 4pm •
Filston Farm
The sweat lodge is a purification ceremony; it relieves stress, cleanses toxins from the body, helps process emotions, releases negativity and revitalizes the life force.

May 20th, 7.00 – 9.30pm •
Opening the Heart •
The Mandrake Hotel
Awaken your heart with a powerful emotional cleanse to help break the stale cyclical patterns of fear, anxiety and depression which manifest through years of undigested emotion and unreleased trauma.

MAY 31st, 2.00 – 5.00pm •
Soul retrieval brings back together the fragments of our energy which may have been scattered or lost through traumatic experiences, grief or relationships with humans or non-physical beings which may not have been resolved.

June 7th, 9am – 4pm •
Filston Farm
The sweat lodge is a purification ceremony; it relieves stress, cleanses toxins from the body, helps process emotions, releases negativity and revitalizes the life force.

June 17th, 7.00 – 9.30pm •
Unleash your Life Force •
The Mandrake Hotel
Energize and revitalize your body, mind and heart with this dynamic Maya medicine workshop and move into the bliss of real health.

June 21st, 9am – 4pm •
Filston Farm •
Summer Solstice
The sweat lodge is a purification ceremony; it relieves stress, cleanses toxins from the body, helps process emotions, releases negativity and revitalizes the life force.

July 5th, 4.00 – 6.30pm •
Breathwork + Meditation •
triyoga Shoreditch
Decompress and de-stress with two hours of breathwork, movement and meditation followed by a deep relaxation, to help unwind, release and recentre.

July 12th, 9am – 4pm • Filston Farm
The sweat lodge is a purification ceremony; it relieves stress, cleanses toxins from the body, helps process emotions, releases negativity and revitalizes the life force.

July 15th, 7.00 – 9.30pm •
The Mandrake Hotel
Each month we will explore a different healing theme with roots in the shamanic tradition of the highland Maya of Mexico and the Kagyu and Bon Bhuddist schools of Tibet.

Aug 2nd, 9am – 4pm •
Filston Farm
The sweat lodge is a purification ceremony; it relieves stress, cleanses toxins from the body, helps process emotions, releases negativity and revitalizes the life force.

AUG 9th, 2.00 – 5.00pm •
Energize and revitalize your body, mind and heart with this dynamic Maya medicine workshop and move into the bliss of real health.

Aug 12th, 7.00 – 9.30pm •
The Mandrake Hotel
Each month we will explore a different healing theme with roots in the shamanic tradition of the highland Maya of Mexico and the Kagyu and Bon Bhuddist schools of Tibet.

Aug 23rd, 9am – 4pm •
Filston Farm •
Full moon
The sweat lodge is a purification ceremony; it relieves stress, cleanses toxins from the body, helps process emotions, releases negativity and revitalizes the life force.

Aug 30th, 4.00 – 6.30pm •
Breathwork + Meditation •
triyoga Shoreditch
Decompress and de-stress with two hours of breathwork, movement and meditation followed by a deep relaxation, to help unwind, release and recentre.

Sept 10th -14th •
Shambala Gatherings •
This retreat will offer participants three consecutive days of sweat lodges to help process deeply held traumas, restoring emotional wellbeing, clarity and purpose. Daily meditation, healing ceremonies and individual readings will be offered to all participants before each sweat lodge, allowing for a smooth transition between lodges.

Sept 16th, 7.00 – 9.30pm •
The Mandrake Hotel
Each month we will explore a different healing theme with roots in the shamanic tradition of the highland Maya of Mexico and the Kagyu and Bon Bhuddist schools of Tibet.

Sept 20th, 9am – 4pm •
Filston Farm •
Autumn Equinox
The sweat lodge is a purification ceremony; it relieves stress, cleanses toxins from the body, helps process emotions, releases negativity and revitalizes the life force.

Oct 11th, 9am – 4pm •
Filston Farm
The sweat lodge is a purification ceremony; it relieves stress, cleanses toxins from the body, helps process emotions, releases negativity and revitalizes the life force.

Oct 14th, 7.00 – 9.30pm •
The Mandrake Hotel
Each month we will explore a different healing theme with roots in the shamanic tradition of the highland Maya of Mexico and the Kagyu and Bon Bhuddist schools of Tibet.

Nov 1st, 9am – 4pm •
Filston Farm
The sweat lodge is a purification ceremony; it relieves stress, cleanses toxins from the body, helps process emotions, releases negativity and revitalizes the life force.

Nov 8th, 4.00 – 6.30pm •
Breathwork + Meditation •
triyoga Shoreditch
Decompress and de-stress with two hours of breathwork, movement and meditation followed by a deep relaxation, to help unwind, release and recentre.

Nov 18th, 7.00 – 9.30pm •
The Mandrake Hotel
Each month we will explore a different healing theme with roots in the shamanic tradition of the highland Maya of Mexico and the Kagyu and Bon Bhuddist schools of Tibet.

Nov 22nd, 9am – 4pm •
Filston Farm
The sweat lodge is a purification ceremony; it relieves stress, cleanses toxins from the body, helps process emotions, releases negativity and revitalizes the life force.

Dec 6th, 9am – 4pm •
Filston Farm
The sweat lodge is a purification ceremony; it relieves stress, cleanses toxins from the body, helps process emotions, releases negativity and revitalizes the life force.

Dec 9th, 7.00 – 9.30pm •
The Mandrake Hotel
Each month we will explore a different healing theme with roots in the shamanic tradition of the highland Maya of Mexico and the Kagyu and Bon Bhuddist schools of Tibet.