Flourish at Kingdom
Grove Road, Penshurst
Kent, TN11 8DU Map
Ancestral Healing: Sun Feb 16th, 2.00 – 5.00pm
Healing with the Five Elements: Sun Mar 23rd, 2.00 – 5.00pm
Breathwork + Meditation: Sun April 27th, 2.00 – 5.00pm
Energy healing
Karmic cleansing
Individual egg readings/cleansings
ANCESTRAL HEALING: Sun Feb 16th, 2.00 – 5.00pm
Ancestral healing involves resolving emotional and energetic patterns inherited from prior generations in our family which can create obstacles in our lives, blocking our path to openness, joy and creativity. This healing process gives us the opportunity to reconnect to our ancestors in a nurturing capacity and work through these old wounds and traumas that may impact our lives negatively.
On arrival you will receive a ‘limpia’ – a traditional Mayan cleansing with copal incense, herbs, and flowers to purify your energy field and heart space. We will then open up communication to the ancestral realm through shamanic journeying and meditation, to cleanse these karmic imprints. You will then be guided through a series of healing practices and sound-based purifications to help release unprocessed emotions. We will end the session with a deep relaxation, restoring balance within ourselves and our ancestral lineage. Mayan diagnostic egg readings will be given at the end of the session, revealing your energetic blueprint and state of health.
HEALING WITH THE FIVE ELEMENTS: Sun Mar 23rd, 2.00 -5.00pm
In the shamanic world view of the highland Maya of Chiapas, Mexico, the five elements of earth, water, fire, wind and space are understood to be the sacred, fundamental energies of existence. These are accessed through the raw powers of nature and through non-physical beings associated with the natural world. In Maya medicine, the elements are recognized as five types of vital energy in the body and are balanced with purification rituals, breathing exercises and visualizations. These vital energies move as currents through the channels, energy centres, organs and tissues of the body which form the basis of our physical, mental and emotional health.
This workshop will give participants an opportunity to strengthen their connection to the sacred aspect of the natural world and explore the healing potential of the elements to help restore the life force energy, overcome spiritual obstacles and transform negative forces. This healing workshop will include practices to activate and realign the elements in the body, including purification rituals, free movement, breathwork, shamanic healing, meditation and a Q & A. Individual egg readings and cleansings will be offered to participants at the end of the session to determine their basic elemental constitution, and help clarify pathways for healing.
BREATHWORK + MEDITATION: Sun April 27th, 2.00 – 5.00pm
Decompress and de-stress with an afternoon of breathwork, movement and meditation followed by a deep relaxation, to help unwind, release and recentre. This workshop is open to all who are interested in exploring these healing modalities to gain a greater mastery of mind, body, breath and emotions. By reinstating a strong energy flow and a sense of connection and safety, and we can encourage the body to release deeply held traumas and unconscious self-sabotaging defense mechanisms.
The session will open with some gentle mobility exercises and sound-based cleansing practices, to help loosen up and release tension. You will then be guided through a series of breathing exercises to stimulate and then restore the nervous system, followed by a guided meditation to help connect to your inner self. The final part of the session will be a deep relaxation, to help balance and restore your system. Mayan diagnostic egg readings will be given at the end of the session, revealing your energetic blueprint and state of health.